Tuesday, October 29, 2013


Dear Family and Friends,

I had a wonderful Spiritual week in the mission field Sharing our Heavenly Father's Gospel.  It was a busy week but with lots of fun and many great experiences.  The weather is still really nice here in Arizona in the 80's during the day and the nights are not too cold yet.  To start off my awesome week on Tuesday, we had our zone interviews with some great teaching on adjusting to missionary life booklet, being focused on our purpose, cleanest car awards which Elder Bartleson and Elder Knobbe - Assistant to President Won, teaching by Elder Rodgers on reporting accident's online, and teaching members about online proselyting and how we can help them do their missionary work online.  I had a very brief interview with President Taylor on keeping strong through the rest of my mission and told me that he will let me know when my exiting interview will be later when I go back to the mission home next Monday.  On Wednesday, I was on exchanges with Elder Searl in my area.  We had a great day teaching investigators, contacting people, and setting up lessons with members.  We had a great lesson with Joseph on the Word of Wisdom.  He had questions about tea and coffee and we told him that it is a commandment from God and how we show God through Faith that we will be blessed by keeping the Word of Wisdom.  He committed to come to church but when we knocked on his door on Sunday, he was not there.  We also had a wonderful lesson with Julie on the Plan of Salvation and how we continue to progress in this life to learn the things that will help us return to live with God.  It was so good as we ended with the Atonement and how Jesus Christ died for all of us because of his Love for all us.  We also had a lesson with a new investigator Dominic on the Book of Mormon.  It was a bit frustrating because he had questions about the Trinity and we would answer his questions through the Book of Mormon and he would always refer to the Bible for the answer when we would ask him what he thought.  Then on Thursday, I was on exchanges with Elder Wardle in my area so for 2 days I was not with Elder Cook.  I had a great exchange with him mostly visiting members and investigators and street contacting people.  A great experience after visiting a member and setting up an appointment with them we saw a neighbor next door that was moving out so we offered to help.  The husband accepted us to help and when we went into the house we saw the wife that looked stress and she said you guys are God sent to help us.  We helped them move some of the big furnitures onto the trailer and they appreciated our help.  We got their number and will stop by again before they move by the end of the month.  On Friday, we had our Trainer/Trainee Followup Meeting which was great to discuss how we can help other companionships with their struggle in the 12 week training program.  Then in the afternoon, I had my last District Meeting teaching my district about how we can help our investigators come to church and partake of the Sacrament.  It was perfect because our district has been struggling getting investigators to come to church, so we discussed some great ideas that will help.  Then in the evening, we had a lesson with Lea on the Restoration watching the video with her.  On Saturday, we woke up early to go to the Mesa Temple to do a 6:30 am Endownment Session which was spiritually wonderful to feel the spirit and remembering the covenants that I have made because that last time I did a session was in December of last year at our Christmas Conference.  The new temple video was amazing with the new scenery and acting.  A great young family - The Warrens took us and they are planning to move in November which we were sad to hear because they were one of our favorite families to visit especially after 8 pm - which is tough to see people because many people are getting ready for bed especially families with kids.  Then for lunch Elder Bartleson was on exchanges with Elder Hernandez and picked us up and we went to "L and L" to get a plate lunch which me and Elder Bartleson went to with the Goodwin Family over a year ago when we were companions.  It was a great time to talk about our mission and all the great experiences we had.  The food was very ONO, I got the Lau Lau and Kalua Pork plate.  Sunday was a great Sabbath Day with some great speakers on Faith and Enduring to the End.  I also went to our Monthly Stake Coordination Meeting with the Stake Presidency discussing the missionary work in the Deer Valley Stake and how we can help the members and investigators that we are helping to come closer to Christ.  That was my wonderful week here in the mission field.  I cannot believe in a week I will be done with my mission and heading home from "THE BEST TWO YEARS OF MY LIFE".  I am so grateful for this time that I have to Serve the Lord and helping others feel the Happiness and Joy that the Restored Gospel can bring to their lives.  I have learned and grown so much from losing myself in the work and doing all that I can to help others feel our Heavenly Father's love for them.  This has been the greatest work and calling to be a Representative of Jesus Christ and be an instrument to do his Marvelous Work.  My mission has truly been the Foundation for the rest of my life.  I am so grateful for the experiences that I have had to help others feel the Spirit and help strengthen their Faith in Christ.  I have seen so many Miracles in my life and in others as I trust in God and Keep his Commandments.  I am so grateful for the Blessing that I had to see many of the people I had to help them come unto Christ through Baptism and Receiving the Holy Ghost to help them in their lives.  I got a Facebook message from Destiny and Jason Davis in Buckeye on Thursday and they told me that in September they spoke in Sacrament, they got a calling to teach the 8 & 9 year old, and are preparing to go to the Temple next March to be sealed in the Temple.  That brought me great joy to hear that they are active and preparing to make additional covenants in the Temples.  That is what this Gospel is all about Sealing Families for time and all Eternity in God's Kingdom.  I testify that through our Heavenly Father's Plan we can have Eternal Joy in Eternal Life with him and our Families Forever.  I know that our Heavenly Father lives and loves us all.  Jesus Christ is our brother that fulfilled the Atonement to pay for our sins so we can be worthy for Exaltation as we live his Gospel.  I know that the Gospel has been restored through Joseph Smith and we continue to have the Priesthood Key's through our prophet, Thomas S. Monson.  I am so honored to have the Priesthood to perform Ordinances for others that brings them closer to God.  Going on my mission is the best decision in my life because I have learned so much about the Gospel and it has strengthen my Testimony in our Savior.  I will truly miss being a full-time missionary but hope to take all that I have learned and continue to Share this Gospel as a member missionary.  I loved feeling the Spirit so abundantly in my life to guide me in blessing the lives of our Heavenly Father's children.  I love you all and thank you very much for all your support of encouragement on my mission.  I have felt your prayers and loved the letters and emails that kept me strong in doing the Lord's work.  Take care and hope to see many of you next week.  Thank you for reading my journey of my mission in the ARIZONA PHOENIX MISSION (APM) the #1 Mission in the World.  I am so grateful for President Taylor and Sister Taylor for all they did for me.  Grateful for ALL my Companions that has helped me grow and strengthen me through the hardships.  Thankful for the assignments I had to be a Senior Companion, Trainer 3 times, and District Leader that have helped me bless the lives of other Missionaries.  I am so grateful for all the Areas and Members that I had to get to know and Love through out my mission.  I am very grateful for my Family and Friends that helped me as I was serving my mission.  I am very grateful to my Heavenly Father who loves me and blessed me throughout my mission and Jesus Christ for atoning Sacrifice so we can have immortality and eternal life in God's Kingdom to have the Fullness of the Gospel.  See you all soon.  I testify this Gospel is True and this is the True Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints! 

Love Always,
Elder Lance Kuhi Cabral

Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Dear Family and Friends,

I had a great week in Anthem - Sharing the Gospel and helping others Come unto Christ.  The weather is still really nice and warm during the day.  We had a great week teaching our investigators about the Gospel.  We had a great lesson with a new investigator Julie and her daughter Lexie on "How to Begin Teaching and Teaching them about How the Gospel can bring them Closer as a Family and to our Heavenly Father".  They seem interested and met with the missionaries before when Julie's sister was taking the lessons.  We also had a great lesson with Joseph on the Gospel of Jesus Christ and teaching him how he can be Forgiven of his Sins as he strengthens his Faith in Jesus Christ, Repent, be Baptized, and Receive the Holy Ghost.  He was worried that if he gets Baptized and makes mistakes that he cannot be forgiven.  We assured him that our life on earth is all about progression and becoming like God.  As long, he is sincerely living the Gospel by Enduring to the End and repenting he can be forgiven.  That is a wonderful gift of the Atonement that it is always there for us as we continuely improve and do better.  We also had some great spiritual lessons with Cathy this week regarding Heavenly Father's plan and how Heavenly Father wants us to have Eternal Joy.  She told us that she was moving to Phoenix and we were so bummed.  We helped her move out on Friday and a member helped her drive the Uhaul down to her new home and 6 elders in her new area helped her move in so everything went smoothly and the missionaries will continue to teach her.  We invited her to be Baptized.  She said she was thinking about it when she understands more and is able to commit in keeping the commandments.  She was sad that she cannot meet with us but we told her to continue to meet with the missionaries and they will help her prepare for Baptism and receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost that she felt in our lessons in testifying to her that the Gospel is true.  I knew that the Lord was preparing her to receive the Gospel everytime we would see her on the front porch we would stop by to talk to her about the Gospel and give her pamphlets to read.  It was a great opportunity to plant the Seed of the Gospel with her and see the spirit work with her.  I had a great exchange this week with Elder Gapinski in my area.  We mostly visited with members and investigators throughout the day but in the evening we had a great lesson with Cathy.  On Saturday, we helped a non-member family move into our Ward and they enjoyed our service and they were happy to meet with us when they settled into their apartment.  I had a great District Meeting this week on the Book of Mormon and how it is so important in everyones conversion to know that the Gospel has been restored through the prophet - Joseph Smith and we continue to have a prophet that leads the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  We had a great Sabbath Day with wonderful talks in sacrament.  Elder Cook is doing a great job learning everything that will help him take over the area in a few weeks and possibly train if called upon.  I am doing great in being diligent in the Lord's work for the remainder of the time that I have to serve our Heavenly Father's children here in Arizona.  Almost everytime we visit members they always ask me how much time I got left and when can we come over for dinner or for a lesson they ask that question before I leave.  I am a bit anxious about finishing my mission in a few weeks; but I know that my mission has prepared me for the rest of my life.  I testify that our Heavenly Father loves us and wants us to return to live with him and our Families Forever.  Jesus is the Christ that atoned for our sins as we live his gospel.  The Book of Mormon is the Word of God and it can bring people to the truth of the restored Gospel.  Missionary work is the greatest work that we can do to help our brothers and sisters come unto our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.  I love and miss you all.  I know that Heavely Father is always there for us as we trust in him and seek his guidance through prayer.  Take care and until my last letter next week.  Have a wonderful week! 

Love for Eternity,
Elder Lance Kuhi Cabral  

Monday, October 14, 2013


Dear Family and Friends,

I had a great week doing the Lord's work of Sharing his wonderful Gospel with all those that I meet.  The weather is really nice mostly in the 80's during the day and the nights are getting cold.  We had some great lessons this week.  We had a lesson with a new investigator that has been a potential investigator since I first got to Anthem.  We stopped by earlier this week to see if she has read the pamphlets we left with her and she had lots of questions so we scheduled a time to come back and teach her.  I was on exchanges but Elder Cook taught her about the Gospel of Jesus Christ and again on exchanges with Elder Farnsworth we taught her about the Plan of Salvation.  The spirit was so strong as we taught her about how we go through trials to make us stronger and how Jesus Christ fullfilled the Atonement for all of our sins.  It was so great when we helped her to recognize what she was feeling is the Holy Ghost testifying to her the truthfulness of the Gospel.  We also had 2 great lessons with Joseph on the Restoration of the Gospel and how he can know it is true by reading the Book of Mormon and Praying about it.  We gave him a church tour and immediately when he entered the Chapel he said he felt calm.  We taught him about the Sacrament and how he can remember Jesus Christ by worshiping him on Sundays by coming to church.  I had 2 great exchanges this week.  On Wednesday, I was on exchanges with Elder Burgoyne in his area and we mostly did member visits having prayers and setting up lessons.  On Saturday, I was on exchanges with Elder Farnsworth in my area.  We had some powerful lessons with Ian reading the Book of Mormon and helping him to understand how he can receive revelation by diligently reading it daily.  We also had a wonderful lesson with Cathy and got to attend the adult session of the Stake Conference because the focus was on missionary work and missionaries were invited to attend.  There were some great talks from recent converts & returning active on how the Gospel blessed their lives.  President & Sister Taylor also gave great talks on members working with the missionaries and how in this digital age we can share the Gospel online.  President Taylor said that by February our mission will be 1 of 50 missions to be fully equipped with Ipads and Iphones for all missionary companionships.  On Sunday, we had Stake Conference that was transmitted over the internet to the Anthem Building.  It was working that well, it would play for 10 minutes then would have to buffer again to start playing.  Then an hour into the conference it stopped and the Presiding High Councilman told everyone if they wanted to watch the rest they would have to go to the Stake Center to listen to Elder Lesure an Area Seventy who would be the concluding speaker.  I am so happy that my sister - Nikki entered the Temple to receive her own endownments. I am so proud of her for making additional covenants with God that will help her in her life and into Eternity.  I hope it was a spiritual experience for her and all those who supported her.  That was my great week in the mission field Sharing the Gospel.  I cannot believe that I got a few weeks left to be a servent of Jesus Christ.  It is so great to see how this Gospel can truly bless peoples lives.  That was my great week.  Take care and have a great week.  I love and miss you all.  You are in my prayers Always. 

Elder Lance Kuhi Cabral

Monday, October 7, 2013


Dear Family and Friends,

How are you all doing?  I am doing great here in Anthem doing the Lord's work and helping others Come unto Christ.  The weather has been pretty nice this week during the day and even the nights are nice and chilly.  This week was a great week with Leadership meeting, Zone meeting and our Awesome General Conference.  On Tuesday, I had a Leadership meeting that I got some great learnings that will help me as a District Leader.  A big focus was on helping our missionaries deal with the Stress of Missionary work and how to help them cope with it.  We got a new booklet that all missionaries will get at Zone interviews this month on adjusting to the missionary life.  It is a great booklet that focuses on new missionaries but also helps all missionaries that go through physical, emotional, spiritual, and social challenges through their missions.  We also learned about being focused on the work and thinking outside the box and thinking of creative ways to find people to teach without doing things that are not part of our purpose.  Zone meeting was also great with teachings on helping our new members by continuely teaching them for 3 months after their baptism to help with retain and spiritually progress towards their next covenants in the temple thru activities in the church.  We got spiritually nourished this weekend with the wonderful talks from General Conference.  Many uplifting talks from the prophets, apostles and all those who spoke on messages that will help us in our journey back to our Heavenly Father.  I enjoyed many of the talks, especially President Ucthdorf's talk on Helping our Heavenly Children come back to the Fold and President Monson's talk on Enduring through Trials.  We were at the Stake Center all day on Saturday watching all 3 sessions and on Sunday watching the last 2 sessions.  Our week was a bit slow we had 1 lesson with Leslie on Prophets and talked to her and Beau about the great talks from General Conference.  We are really focusing on finding new investigators by talking with everyone and asking for referrals because our teaching pool is low, many of our investigators are not progressing.  That was my great week here in the mission field Sharing this wonderful Gospel with all those that I meet.  I love and miss you all.  Take care and have a great week. 

Elder Lance Kuhi Cabral  

Monday, September 30, 2013


Aloha Family and Friends,

How are you doing?  I had a great week here in Anthem - doing the Lord's work.  The weather is really nice during the day, but getting chilly during the nights which I am starting to wear sweaters. Lea got baptized on Saturday which was so wonderful because the spirit was so strong as she made her covenants with God.  She was so happy when she came up out of the water as spiritually reborn.  Then on Sunday the congregation saw her for the first time as she came into the chapel to be confirmed a member of the church and receive the Holy Ghost.  She was filled with joy when they sustained her as the newest member of the church.  It was such an honor to see her change since the first time I met her to now as she strengthened her Faith in Jesus Christ through her trials and see her realize the blessings that come from living his Gospel.  It is so wonderful to see how the Lord prepared her as the members showed their love for her by serving her and she knew that they were placed in her life for a reason.  We had some wonderful lessons with her this week teaching her the commandments.  We also had a great lesson with Ali this week on how the Gospel can bless his family and bring them closer.  Some exciting news from transfers this week is they split an area in our District so there are 2 more Elders in our district.  Anthem and Parkside Wards now have their own set of Elders.  Elder Burton and Farnsworth cover only Anthem Ward now and they are living with us in our apartment.  It is fun having another set of Elders in our place because we get to talk about our day and eat meals together.  The new Elders - Elder Silcock from Idaho and Elder Gapinski from Utah live in the Espios home in Parkside Ward.  Since their are 8 Elders in my district, I have to go on exchanges 7 times this transfer once with the zone leaders and once with each Elder in my district.  So some weeks I will be on exchanges twice, which is fun to get to know my District members and see how they work and teach.  The work is a bit slow now since Lea got baptized, we have an investigator Joseph with a baptism date for October 19 but he is living with his girlfriend and son so we have to try to get them married and we have not been able to meet with him this week.  We are doing alot of finding through members and checking up on past investigators to see if they would want to learn about the Gospel again.  I hope I can find some great new investigators soon and help them Come unto Christ.  I had a great District Meeting on Friday, teaching about the importance of commitments and helping our investigators keep commitments by following up, great having more Elders to contribute different insights.  I had a great sabbath day as we heard some wonderful testimonies.  There was a Special Youth Fireside in the evening on "Having an Eternal Perspective through Trials".  Great talks by members and some non-members that talk about a young women Katie Wagner that recently passed away from cancer.  She was pretty big here in Anthem community because of her love to help others even though she was fighting cancer for the past 3 years.  It was a spiritual fireside to hear how as we Trust in God and have Faith in Jesus Christ that we can get through our trials and grow stronger.  We are here on earth to be tested and prove to our Heavenly Father that we want to live with him.  I testify that Jesus Christ is our Savior and he can give us strength through hard times.  I am so grateful to know the Plan of Salvation and know that we can have Eternal Life as we have a strong foundation built on Christ and continue to live the Gospel through our lives.  I know as a servent of Jesus Christ that our Heavenly Father loves us and wants us to have Eternal Joy.  I love and miss you all.  Take care and have a great week. your all in my prayers. 

Elder Lance Kuhi Cabral

Tuesday, September 24, 2013


Aloha Ohana and Friends,

It was a great week here in Anthem - doing the Lord's work and helping our Heavenly Father's children return to live with him.  The weather is starting to get nice, it was in the 90s most of the week.  I am starting to get a bit cold in the morning with nights being so chilly.  Well it is official Anthem is going to be my last area.  We got transfer news this morning and no one in our district is getting transferred which is what was expected because we are all training for the next 6 weeks.  I am glad to be ending in an area that I have been for a while because I know the area, converts, investigators, and members that I have grown to love.  This week was a great week teaching the Gospel.  I had a great exchange with the zone leaders on Tuesday.  I was with Elder Weiler in their area in Deer Valley.  We went to another district in our Zone District Meeting and it was great to see different perspective of teaching that I could use in my District Meeting.  We had a great lesson with a returning, active member Clyde teaching him the Gospel of Jesus Christ and it was so wonderful to hear how God answers his prayers by sending a friend to help him come back to church.  We also had a great lesson with Kayla on the Plan of Salvation and how she can live with God in the Celestrial Kingdom as she lives the gospel.  She was not understanding Enduring to the End, so I thought of a great analogy comparing Baptism to the Entrance Gate at disney land and how to make it to space mountain which symolizes the celestrial kingdom she has to continuely do her part in living the commandments without getting distracted by the food vendors of the adversary.  It worked like a charm and it just clicked when she understood.  We had 2 great lessons this week with Lea teaching her the commandments and preparing her for her Baptism this Saturday, September 28.  She prayed about the Law of Tithing and received an answer that she will be blessed by living it.  She had her baptism interview and passed with flying colors.  She was so excited that she is ready to make her covenants with God.  We finally found a new investigator Joseph this week after weeks of no new investigators which we have been struggling to find.  We had a great lesson with him on the Restoration of the Gospel and teaching him how the Gospel can help him through his trials and strengthen his family.  A member family the Florez - son Jack who just turned 8 this month got baptized and confirmed last Saturday and they invited us to his Baptism which was wonderful.  The spirit was so strong and it was so great to be a part of his confirmation to receive the Holy Ghost.  I also had another great exchange with Elder Burgoyne in my area.  We had a great Distrcit meeting that I taught about how to begin teaching and how important the 1st lesson is in gaining trust with our investigators and how we can utilize it throughout our other lessons.  Then we had a great lesson with Emma and it was great to hear how when her parents were taking the lessons she felt the spirit and wanted to follow Jesus Christ's teaching.  We also met with Ian this week and watched "Finding Faith in Christ" with him and he enjoyed it because he is a visual learner and understands things better when he sees it.  We invited him to church and we got a member from the YSA Ward to pick him up and take him to church.  We had a great Sabbath Day with our primary presentation which there was a strong spirit hearing the cute talks from the Primary kids and hearing them sing.  Lea came to church and loved the primary program.  She also went to Gospel Principles and Relief Society which she enjoyed.  A cool experience this week was a member - Brother Palmer agreed to feed us for dinner but he was not there when we showed up.  So we knocked on the door and his inactive nephews (Eric and Kevin) opened up and let us in.  They told us that they had pizza in the oven so they fed us.  10 minutes there, I knew that Brother Palmer planned this on purpose that he would not be there so we could have an opportunity to teach his nephews who has been working with for a while to get back to church.  Then Brother Palmer called during dinner to make sure that they cooked us dinner and told us to teach them.  We had a great discussion with them and asked them if we could come back to teach them more about the Gospel.  So yesterday, we went back and taught them the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  The spirit was so strong as we taught them how they can strengthen their Faith in Jesus Christ and he will help them overcome trials and how we can be forgiven of our sins through Repentence.  We gave them a Book of Mormon and committed them to start small by praying, read the scriptures, and come to Church.  It is so great to help those who have lost the Gospel to return to the fold of God.  That was my great week here in the mission field.  I cannot believe how fast time is flying as I serve our Heavenly Father's children and help them receive the Restored Gospel.  I am on my last transfer and I have to do my best with the knowledge and experience that I have gained through my mission to invite and help our Heavenly Father's children strengthen their Faith in Christ and receive the Restored Gospel.  I love and miss you all.  Take care and have a great week. 

Elder Lance Kuhi Cabral

Monday, September 16, 2013


Dear Family and Friends,

How are you all doing?  I am doing great here in Anthem - doing the Lord's work.  This week was a great week even though we did not have too much lessons.  We had a great lesson this week with Lea preparing her for her Baptism - we are reviewing the commandments with her.  We taught her about the Law of Tithing and she did not commit to living it so we told her to pray about it, so that something we have been pondering on how to help her gain a testimony about tithing.  She came to church this Sunday and loved it.  She has been going through some trials and felt the talks were geared just for her and gave her strength to get through them.  We also gave her a blessing to help her.  We used a hearing aid headset from the Library and she could hear the speakers perfectly.  We had a great Sacrament meeting with a Farewell talk by Elder Huband who is going on his mission to Guatamala.  We also had a High Councilman that gave a wonderful talk on the Atonement and How Jesus Christ paid for our sins and he can help us through our trials.  A cool story that happened last Saturday while we were walking around the apartment complex a less active guy named Ian came up to us that just got out of jail a few months ago and told us he wants to get his life straightened up and wants to go back to church.  So we met with him this week and taught him about the Restoration of the Gospel and the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  It was so spiritual as we taught him about the Doctrine of Christ and how he can be forgiven of his sins and if he repents and lives the Gospel.  He is 27 so we brought a member in our ward that goes to the Single Wards and invited him to attend their meeting because he wants to get involved in activities and he will enjoy the YSA (Young Single Adult) more.  A big focus that we have been working on is finding new investigators through working with the members and talking to everyone and asking them for refferals.  A few of our investigators have not been progressing because they have been so busy.  I had a great District Meeting this week on How important it is to rely on the Spirit to guide us in everything we do and How important it is to listen to our investigators and discern What they need to be taught according to their needs.  Online prosyleting has been going great in contacting investigators, checking up on their commitments, sharing messages, and having discussions with them.  That was my great week here in the mission field Sharing our Heavenly Father's Gospel with his children.  I know that this Gospel is true and through our Heavenly Father's plan we can return to live with him and our families forever.  The Gospel has been Restored through Joseph Smith and we can continue to have the fullness of the Gospel through a living prophet, Thomas S. Monson.  I testify that our Heavenly Father lives and loves us all.  Jesus Christ is our Savior that fulfilled the Atonement so we can be cleanse of our sins as we live his Gospel and follow his Example.  I am so grateful to be a Representative of Jesus Christ and Preach his Gospel to all those who are searching for the Truth.  I love and miss you all.  Take care and have a fantastic week. 

Love Always,
Elder Lance Kuhi Cabral