Aloha Family and Friends,
are you all doing? Well as for me, I am doing pretty good here in
Buckeye - Sharing the Gospel. I was sick the past week with a cold so
that was not fun. Wednesday night, I started to get a bad cough and
Thursday & Friday I was really sick so we stayed inside and I got
some rest. Saturday, I started to feel better so I pushed myself to go
out and do missionary work because It was killing me to stay inside when
there is people out there searching for the Gospel. This week was a
pretty hard week for us because Christmas Eve and Christmas Day we did
not do missionary work because of the holiday's and with me being sick
for for 2 days. We still had a productive week of Sharing the Gospel.
We had a good lesson on the Plan of Salvation with Mike and his Family.
We did not get to meet with Allie and Maria this week because they were
busy with the holiday's. We are planing to re-commit Allie to be
baptized on January 12. She is so ready to get baptized and enter into
that covenant with God and receive the Holy Ghost to help her. We hope
she can tell her mom about her desire to be baptized and that she is
supportive. We also hope to meet with Maria and continue to help her be
baptized. Our big focus is finding investigators because we are a
little low on investigators right now with 3 wards, but we know that as
we continue to have Faith, be Obedient, and work hard that the Lord will
bless us and guide us to those that he is preparing to receive the
Gospel. We had a great zone activity this morning, we hiked up a big
hill that was pretty steep but the view at the top was wonderful to see
Arizona's Sunrise. We had a great spiritual testimony meeting on the
top about the Atonement of our Savior, Jesus Christ and how through his
Love and Sacrifice we can return to live with God and our Families
Forever. We have to continue to have an Eternal perspective and endure
through the trials in life and thank God for everything he has blessed
us with. Great analogy of the hike was how life is hard sometimes with
many obstacles and boulders that we have to climb over but part of our
life here on earth is to learn and grow, we go through hard times to
make us stronger and with Gods help nothing is to hard that we
cannot conquer. On Saturday, we visited with a referral that we got
from church headquarters and had a great discussion with him on his
doorstep for about 40 minutes on the Gospel and how he can be
blessed. He went through some challenges in life that made him want to
learn more about our religion and give him spiritual guidance. It was
so wonderful testifying to him about the restored Gospel. We gave him a
Bbook of Mormon to read and a Restoration pamphlet. He is 25 years old
so we probably going to hand him to the YSA Elders so he can have
better fellowshiping at the Singles Ward, but still great to plant the
seed of the Ggospel and help him feel our Heavenly Father's love for
him. Well that was my week here in the mission field. I am so grateful
to our Heavenly Father for giving me this wonderful priviledge this
past year to be on my mission and doing the Lord's work and helping all
those that I helped have the joy and happiness that comes from living
the Gospel. I am so grateful for all the spiritual experiences and
everything I learned on my mission so far. My testimony of the Gospel
has grown so much this past year from my studies, teaching, and
testifying of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and our Heavenly Father's plan
to have Eternal Life with him so our Families can be Together Forever. I
look forward to what 2013 has in store for me on my mission here in
Arizona as I continue to learn and teach the Gospel to our brothers and
sisters. Hope everyone has a wonderful and safe New Year's. I hope you
all have a New Year's resolution to continue to live the Gospel more
fully in your lives and becoming more like our Savior and following his
example. Praying and studying the Gospel more and Sharing the Gospel
with your family, friends, and anyone that you meet. I promise as you
do you receive & enjoy greater blessing in your lives and feel the
spirit more abundently in your lives. You are always in my prayers.
Till next year take care.
Elder Lance Kuhi Cabral